Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Major John Weir, 1650

From: Edna Barney
Subject: Major John Weir, 1650 Virginia
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 15:09:24 -0500

This is merely food for thought. I have often wondered if the early WARE family of Virginia was connected to Amer VIA. Realizing that the letters "W" and "V" were used interchangeably during the middle ages, we really need to look for the name VIA under the "W" spellings also. I came upon some DNA testings for the Virginia WAREs and they do not seem to match the VIA DNA markers, so I had given up on that prospect. 

I was perusing the on-line Virginia Patents at the Library of Virginia and I came upon Captain (Major) John WEIR (WEIRE) of Rappahannock County, Virginia. He had many land transactions during the 1660s in that county and in Lancaster County also. There is even one deal with Thomas BALLARD. Doing a bit of Internet research about Captain John WIER, I found him in Gloucester County in 1650 and I even found the will of his wife, Honoria (maiden name unknown). Honoria JONES had died by 4 Jan 1685/6 when her will, dated 21st Oct 1685 was recorded in *Old Rappahannock County, Virginia*:

"Will of Honoria JONES, widow & Relict of Mr. George JONES, being sick & weak of body, but ... to my Daughter Margaret BLAGG, that seat... of land wch I purc. of Colnll. John VASSALL lying & being on South Side of Rappa. River contaying Eleven hundred seventy & five acres the sd land to be at her absolute sole disposall for ever... to my Daughter Elizabeth GARDNER my Wedding Ring wch joyned me and my Husband Majr. John WEIRE in Matrimonie... to my Son In Law Mr. Abraham BLAGG 20 Shillings to buy him a mourning Ring... to my son Richard GARDNER, a knife a ring of the aforesd value... to my Grandchild Richard WATTS, one Silver .. Grandson, Edward BLAGG, same aforesaid... to my Grandson Edward BLAGG same aforesaid... Grandson Luke GARDNER the same ... Grandson Jno GARDNER the same... Daughter Margrett BLAGG, Wife of Mr. Abraham BLAGG to be my sole Executrix.. S/Honoria JONES. Wits: James HARRISON, Andw. [AO] ONEBY, Michael BASSEY, Prvd. 21 Dec 1685 by BASSEY, Wits. Henry AWBREY, Geo. TAYLER. Rec. 4 Jan 1685/6." (Old Rappa. WB2:84-5, Old Rappahannock VA Wills, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, McLean, VA)

Notice that a witness to her will is HENRY AWBREY! According to Virginia Patent Book 6, page 565, William VIER was one of 102 persons transported by Mr. HENRY AUBERY who recorded 5100 acres in Rappahannock County, Virginia exactly ten years earlier in 1675.

When Major John WEIR died, he left a will in Maryland:
*7th May, 1671 - 28th Apr., 1678* (Maryland Wills, Liber 9, Folio 78) Will of Major John WEIRE of *Rappahannock Co., Va*. To wife Honoria, dower rights. To daughter-in-law Margaret, wife of John WATTS of Potomac R., and hrs., part of a tract of land, 1,108 A., bought of Henry RANDOLPH of Jamestown (½ of sd. tract having already been sold to *Robert PAYNE*). To dau. Eliza: and hrs., "The Island" at 21 yrs. of age. To son John and hrs., residue of lands in Va. and elsewhere. Exs.: Son-in-law Jno. WATTS, Wm. MOSELY, Capt. Jno. HULL. Test: Jno. BATES, Luke HUMBLETON, Jno. JEFFERY. (Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1, p. 208)

I suspect that the WILLIAM VIER who was transported by Henry AWBREY in 1675, is likely the William VEALE who left a will, 29 May 1693 - 10 Feb 1693/4 in Essex County, Virginia. "May the 29th day 1693. /Will of William VEALE. In the name of God Amen. I William VEALE of the County of Essex in the parsh of Sittingbourne being very sick and weake but of perfect Sence and memory doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in matters and forms as followeth." (Orders, etc, No. 1 [Deeds and Wills] 1692-1695, pg 252-253.) http://www.combs-families.org/combs/assoc/butler.htm#c-chas

To add more mystery to this, William VEALE's family married into the BUTLER family and George JONES, Honoria's second husband, had been a co-administrator in 1679 with Amory BUTLER. "Amory" is what I had always suspected was the name that "Amor or Amer" VIA may have been.

The outstanding COMBS Family Research Report (http://www.combs-families.org/combs/assoc/vassall.htm) has an excellent treatise: *VASSALL and WARE/WARRE/WEIRE* Families

Edna Barney (www.ednabarney.com)


  1. It would seem George Jones would have been Honoria's third husband since John Weir named Margaret Watts in his will as a married daughter in-law. Many researchers point to a Lancaster deed in 1655 in which John Weir is a witness to Francis Pace giving land and cattle to his daughters, Mary and Margaret. But no wife mentioned.

  2. Thank You for Information on John WEire, I am looking at the lands he owned and how he interacted with land owners beside him as this area is First Founded by known Members of the Ancient Church of London and Amsterdam: (Ambrose Meadors group of Settlers) which was founded in Queen Elizabeth first time era by Rev. Francis Johnson, his brother Rev. George Johnson both Born East redding Yorkshire and and Rev. Jacob Johnson.
    My Interest is as follows
    Eme Fuckett of Greenbanks married at the age of 28 (widowed) married Nicholas Johnson of Greenbanks, mariner aged 26 years on December 29 1656 in Stepney. Found on GenForum. Entry 2377. Source is a film of the LDS library: 597246.
    1666 Transported Nicholas Johnson trans by John Weire Rappa Co. 1666 CPv2 Transports Re organized from Linda Starrs research by Counties and Rivers
    1675 in a forke of the 1675 in a forke of the Beaver Dam Sw by Spurtin’s plantation, over the Roade to Mrs. Emy Johnson; to Harwarr & Cox; to Bowler, to Curtice and tract granted Harwarr & Nich Cox on, over the Roade to Mrs. Emy Johnson; to Harwarr & Cox; to Bowler, to Curtice and tract granted Harwarr & Nich Cox
    Researchers Notes: TOO MUCH Cox Info we are a group of 44 JJJDNA White Oak researchers sharing information on our known forefathers I think eac of us shows a Descendancey of William Cox who came to Strawberry Banks or his sister Alice Cox aka ALice Eldoe aka ALice Boyse of Wards Creek, lands first called in deeds 1608-1620 era as Tappahanna Lands then as Martins hundred then lands called Wards Creek which it is still called today. Alice also was invovled with lands of Her husband at Martins Hundred aka Keiths Creek and Head ofArcher Hope Creek invovled at lands of a Husband at Neck of Land and is a land owner by her brother William Cox of Arrowhattocks. of Note the area John WEir is in was first established for Settlement by John Cox son of William Cox. William Cox came in 1610 with Lord Delawar West aka Sir THomas WEst. The Group that came with Ambrose Meader( Williamsons) are part of the Sir Thomas West families.
    Any information on People settling by or near your John WEir is apprecited asn we do share our research. Thank you Tony L. Johnson Librarian of WHite Oak JJJDNA project. Tonyempiretne@gmail.com We also have a Facebook group at Jonson, Johnson, Johnston


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